Below are the links where you can listen to all of our music on bandcamp. The list is in reverse chronological order,  from our latest to our earliest digital releases. You can support our efforts by purchasing a download at the bandcamp site or at any of the on-line music stores where you normally purchase your music downloads. Search for The Beat Club along with the  title of the release you are interested in purchasing.
note: listed below are all of our official recordings – there are many unlicensed recordings, samples and similarly named groups and/or projects which have nothing to do with our music – please keep this in mind when purchasing our music online
also note: official recordings, not originally released as The Beat Club are noted below as “by artist name”

EB2501 Even at the Quietest Moment

EB2401 The Chase

EB2301 Elevate

EB2301 Flamingo

EB1801 Altered Beats

EB1501 Killing Science

EB1302 Security

EB1301 Instruments of Destruction

EB1201 All the Cowboys

EB1001 Pulse

EB0801 Minimalista

EB0601 Robotica

EB0035 Mosaic Web by Fuzzy Logic

EB0023 White Spaces by Urban Select

EB0014 Paris by The Beat Club

EB1901 Ony – Dream World EP